Client Reviews

Client Reviews

Take Your Horse Business to the Next Level

Follow Your Passion. Make Great Money.

And still have a life outside of the horse world.


We are dedicated to 1 thing- helping our clients

realize unparalleled financial success

1:1 Business Coaching

The industry leader in 1:1 personalized business coaching for horse related businesses

Personal Financial Planning

After dramatically increasing the profitability and delegation levels inside your business- we make sure that your business success is translating to building personal wealth.

Investment Management

We are a registered Investment Advisory firm and offer institutional quality investment management.

Strengthen your pricing, terms, and conditions

Almost like a psychic, we know that this is probably the root of all your problems. You have people "grandfathered in" at all sorts of lose-money to work for you rates, and with rampant inflation- just bringing in more and more clients at these rates isn't going to work. And it's not just your prices - it's also very likely your terms, conditions, and boundaries (or lack thereof) in your business are causing more issues than your low prices. I can promise you it will be more fun to look at the business projections in the next step if we can start to show you our proven system to dramatically strengthen your pricing, terms, and conditions in your business.

Create a Financial Blueprint

Just like building a house- creating a successful business requires a blueprint. We need to create a simple, crystal clear picture that includes accurate projections of revenue, expenses, clientelle, and most importantly TIME. Very small tweaks here have massive implications. You can very easily build a horse business that takes up all of your time, creates a small army of hyper demanding clients- and produces no profit. Please take it from us that you never want to experience this exhausting way to break even. You need to have a blueprint.

Learn How to Get Clients on Demand

Most business owners rely on hope and pray marketing- but they will tell you that they are using "word of mouth." We know this means you don't have any conscious strategy to get new clients. Of course "word of mouth" exists- and it's important to do a great job for people so they tell their friends. HOWEVER- you will dramatically accelerate the pace of your business and the power of word of mouth if you implement a robust marketing system that brings you clients on demand.

Implement a Personal Financial Plan

As financial advisors- we know that your income is your most important wealth building tool- and is why we focus heavily on dramatically increasing profits in their businesses. After that- we want to make sure that a profitable business is translating into creating personal wealth. That usually means that you are paying off debt, contributing to a retirement plan, or acquiring real estate. If you are a parent- it might mean saving for college, and creating an estate plan to make sure your children are provided for if something were to happen to you. It's important to have a coach that not only helps you build a strong business- but can help you become financially strong personally as well.

Build a Talented Team that Fulfills Your Vision

If your prices, terms and conditions are on point- and you have enough clients happily paying these prices- it is going to allow you to hire talented people who can help service your clients even better than you could. The evolution for business owners should be that of a successful and profitable solopreneur- this is someone who has basically created a job for themselves and is "self-employed." However, making the leap to become a true business owner- someone who oversees the work done by their team- is something that most horse business owners never come close to realizing. (Most of the time they never really even become a profitable solopreneur.) We hep you become a true business owner.


Brian Sean Wee, CFP


It requires a diverse toolbox to help horse business owners become financially successful. Brian is a certified financial planner, registered investment adviser, has a real estate license, mortgage license, and has spent over $150,000 of his own money learning the most advanced marketing practices that are available today to further help his clients. After working with over 600 clients in the horse industry- he has cracked the code on how to make these enterprises dramatically more profitable. This puts him in a unique position for those looking to acquire horse properties- make them financially successful- and build true personal wealth. He also is a lifetime USEF professional and owns a profitable horse business himself- a 60 acre farm that offers boarding and lessons.

Meagan Drescher

Head of Client Success

Meg Drescher has been involved with many different aspects of the horse industry over the years. Her first job as a teenager was working as a vet tech for an equine veterinarian. She obtained a BS in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior while working at multiple equestrian facilities in college including as night staff at the Center for Equine Health, a quarantine facility for newly imported horses. She rode on the IHSA team for a couple of years in college while also continuing to show and compete her own horse. Her Masters degree is in Comparative Pathology where she did research on Thoroughbred horses with a platelet defect that caused them to have a bleeding disorder. Meg then went on to manage a large collegiate equestrian center with multiple competing interests including club hunter jumper, dressage, western, and eventing teams, NCAA teams, student boarders, student and full time staff, recreational riding lessons, and volunteer programs for 10 years. She is currently working toward her "r" judging license with USHJA for hunters, jumpers, and equitation. Meg is passionate about building opportunities within the horse industry and is thrilled to have joined the team at Next Level Horse Businesses.

Client Success Stories

Every client success story starts and ends with the same thing- a burning desire to make a positive impact in the horse community


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All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2023 Brian Wee Consulting